
Dott.ssa Fiammetta Borgia

Ore di lezione

18 ore

di svolgimento della prova


Obiettivi formativi/
di apprendimento attesi

The course introduces the main United Nations and regional systems for human rights protection and promotion and, in so doing, provides a tool for analyzing conflict and various forms of interventions attempting to promote peace and justice.


1. International legal personality.
2. Role of individuals in International law.
3. International law of human rights: genesis and developments.
4. Human rights in the UN System. The Universal Declaration of 1948 as a legal instrument the development of the universal system of human rights – The 1966 Covenants of 1966 and their protocols. The other “core conventions” on human rights. The Human Rights Council. The Treaty Bodies: structure and mandate. Reports of the states.
5. Regional systems an overview: Comparing European, America, African, Arabian, and Asian models of protection of human rights.
6. European Union and the protection oh human rights.
7. European Convention on human rights: achievements and challenges.
8. National institutions for human rights. The Italian machinery on human rights.
9. Differences and similarities of international law of human rights and of international humanitarian law.

Testi consigliati

Documents, essays and slides will be delivered during the course and on ‘didattica web’ platform.

Altre informazioni

An interactive attendance is required. Case studies will be proposed for each topic.